Areas of focus
As a professional trainer, Anand offers training services around two other areas - Supervisors/ Leadership, and Presenters/ Trainers.
Athough 'stand-alone', they have overlaps with Service Management.
These workshops are then set within the larger context of the 'Customer Service' related initiatives that they are anyway engaged in.
Supervisors/ Leadership
There are two main lines of work Anand has done in this area -
- Leadership 'course': a long-term leadership programme
(i.e. not a one-off workshop) with training sessions
interspersed with assignments/ projects, and ending in
some form of certification.
- Service Leadership: a workshop specifically aimed at helping supervisors and managers of service organisations manage their leadership/ people roles effectively.
Presenters/ Trainers
Anand has offered very successful workshops in two areas -
- Training trainers - working with young trainers (also
line managers) to help them be more effective
- Presentation, facilitation skills for senior managers